CapitaLand China Trust - Sustainability Report 2023

14 CAPITALAND CHINA TRUST SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT Role of CLCT Board, Management and Employees At CLCT, a Sustainability Management Committee (SMC) was established to ensure greater focus on sustainability and climate-related matters of CLCT’s assets. The SMC is chaired by the CEO of the REIT Manager of CLCT and comprises senior management team members to oversee CLCT’s sustainability objectives and strategies directly. The SMC is responsible for providing timely and regular updates on the REIT’s sustainability matters to CLCT’s Board of Directors and its Chairman. Regular updates to the CLCT Board of Directors include value and mission statements, goals, strategies overviews, policies and progress related to sustainable development. The SMC is supported by CLCT’s Sustainability Working Committee (SWC), which comprises key members from various business functions, to implement sustainabilityrelated activities and initiatives across CLCT’s operations as per CLI’s sustainability framework and policies. CLCT’s sustainability governance is inter-linked with the Sponsor’s sustainability management. The overall governance comes under the purview of the CLI Senior Leadership Council. CLCT is represented at the CLI Senior Leadership Council by the CEO of the REIT Manager of CLCT who provides guidance on sustainability strategies and goals for CLCT. This report's content, including the material ESG topics, are reviewed and approved by the CLCT’s Board of Directors. During board meetings, sustainability policies and strategies are discussed and reviewed as well. STRATEGIC SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE CLCT Board of Directors CLCT'S SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE CLI'S SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE CLI Board of Directors STAFF Strategy and Sustainability Committee (Board Committee) CLI Leadership Council (Comprising Senior Management) Various Sustainability Work Teams/ Committees comprising Business units and corporate departments covering CLCT Sustainability Management Committee Headed by Chief Executive Officer Team Members Chief Financial Officer Head, Investment & Portfolio Management Head, Investor Relations CLCT Sustainability Working Committee Headed by Head, Investment & Portfolio Management and Head, Investor Relations Environment, Health and Safety Stakeholder Engagement Investment, Asset Management Innovation Enterprise Risk Management Human resource, Group Procurement, others Finance Investment & Portfolio Management Environmental Health and Safety Property Management Investor Relations