CapitaLand China Trust - Sustainability Report 2023

SOCIAL COMMITMENT TO A HEALTHY AND SAFE WORKPLACE The occupational health and safety (OHS) of CLCT’s employees, tenants, supply chain partners, and the communities which use its properties, is of utmost importance to us. Effective OHS management elevates safety and enhances employee productivity and morale. As a CLI-listed REIT, CLCT adopts CLI’s OHS framework, which includes identifying material issues, developing action plans, setting policies, ensuring accountability within the REIT and engaging stakeholders. The following framework outlines the material social aspects of CLCT’s operations. ▶ Promote the culture of individual ownership and responsibility for OHS management from CLCT’s top management and employees, to stakeholders including tenants and supply chain partners such as vendors, service providers and main contractors ▶ Reduce occupational injury rates to achieve zero harm ▶ Leverage on CLI’s robust OHS Management System to meet and exceed OHS legal requirements Occupational Health & Safety Human Capital Stakeholder Engagement Supply Chain Management Diversity and Human Rights Products and Services Material Issues ▶ EHS Policy ▶ Social Charter ▶ Diversity & Inclusion Policy ▶ Harassment Policy ▶ Procurement Policy ▶ Supply Chain Code of Conduct ▶ Unitholders’ Communication and Investor Relations Policy OBJECTIVES POLICIES 34 CAPITALAND CHINA TRUST