CapitaLand China Trust - Sustainability Report 2023

ABOUT THIS REPORT CLCT is Singapore’s largest China-focused REIT. This is CLCT’s third Integrated Sustainability Report (ISR), and it aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the organisation’s Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) performance. Published in mid-April 2024, this Report is available on html. INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES This ISR has been prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards 2021, an internationally recognised sustainability reporting standard that covers a wide range of disclosures. The report is also in compliance with the sustainability reporting requirements set out in the Listing Manual Rule 711A and 711B of the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (SGX-ST). Our business model is built upon the fundamental concepts as guided by the Integrated Reporting Framework by the Value Reporting Foundation, and it incorporates elements of the framework to communicate value creation. It is also aligned with the Sustainable Developments Goals of United Nations (UN SDGs). Additionally, this Report references the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Standards sustainability disclosure topics and metrics for real estate sector-specific standards, and outlines CLCT’s risk management framework with reference to the Guidelines on Environmental Risk Management for Asset Managers issued by the Monetary Authority Singapore (MAS). Together with our Sponsor, CLI, CLCT will continue to adopt a progressive approach in refining its climate-related disclosures based on the 11 recommendations from the Task Force on Climaterelated Financial Disclosures (TCFD). REPORTING SCOPE AND PERIOD As at 31 December 2023, the portfolio comprised 103 retail properties, five business parks and four logistics parks, primarily located in Tier 1 and leading cities in China. This Report discloses information on the 183,4,5 properties within CLCT’s portfolio, unless otherwise stated, for the financial period from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023 (FY 2023). CLCT adopts the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol Corporate Standard in disclosing performance data for Energy, GHG, Water and Waste across our 18 properties. As such, CLCT only reports the assets that are under the Manager’s operational control. There is no restatement of information this year. 3 CapitaMall Qibao ceased operations in March 2023 and is therefore not included in the Report. 4 CapitaMall Shuangjing is not included in the environmental, social and governance operational data reporting as the Manager does not have operational control over the asset. The mall was divested in January 2024. 5 As CLCT's logistics park assets are not operated by CLI, the energy and water data of these assets are not included in the portfolio's environmental performance. The emissions data of these assets are included under Scope 3. 4 CAPITALAND CHINA TRUST