▶ CLCT’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is accountable for OHS performance ▶ Managers and employees are accountable for OHS performance and implementation through the ISO 45001 certified OHS Management System ▶ Key performance indicators (KPIs) are linked to remuneration of all CLCT REIT Manager employees OHS Management System ▶ Legal compliance ▶ Identification of hazards and risk assessment ▶ Sustainable Building Guidelines – Design for Safety ▶ Environmental, Health and Safety Impact Assessment (EHSIA) ▶ Safe operations – OHS Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) KPIs ▶ OHS performance of CLCT’s employees and contractors ▶ Stakeholder engagement ▶ Give preference to ISO 45001 certified vendors/ service providers ▶ Appointment of ISO 45001 certified main contractors, or require OHS legal compliance audit ▶ Share CLI Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) Policy with supply chain partners ▶ Engagement with supply chain partners on OHS matters ▶ Educate key stakeholders, including shoppers, tenants, guests, and the public STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT METHOD/ACTION PLAN ACCOUNTABILITY First aid course organised in Ascendas Innovation Towers and Ascendas Innovation Hub SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2023 35