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I consent to CapitaLand China Trust and its related corporations (collectively, the "Companies"), their agents and the Companies' authorised service providers collecting, using, disclosing and/or processing this personal data, in order to:

  1. Inform me about the Companies' products and services as well as promotions and advertisements relating thereto which may be of interest to me via mail, email, SMS, telephone and other means of communication (including via all and any of my Singapore telephone numbers which Companies may have in its records from time to time); and

  2. Conduct consumer and market research in respect of products and services which may be relevant to me.

I confirm and agree that my consents granted herein do not supersede or replace any other consents which I may have previously provided to the Companies in respect of my personal data, and are additional to any rights which the Companies may have at law to collect, use or disclose my personal data.