Integrated Sustainability ReportPerformance

2030 SMP Targets and CLCT’S Performance

Measuring Our Safety Performance
Work-Related Injuries
CLCT’s OHS performance monitoring includes all employees (both full-time and part-time) and contractors involved in the daily operations. This year, there were zero incidents of work-related injuries23, work-related fatalities, high consequence injuries and occupational diseases involving CLCT employees and contractors.
To ensure a safe working environment for all, we continue to monitor our OHS performance, reinforce OHS standards and improve our standard operating procedures (SOPs).

Top Management Commitment and Staff Involvement
CLI champions OHS with commitment from the top management and employee participation through an integrated EHS Management System as well as stakeholder engagement activities. CLCT’s CEO is accountable for the OHS performance of CLCT. Employees are required to take personal responsibility for their OHS and are encouraged to be forthcoming in reporting OHS-related incidents, including non-compliances and non-conformities.
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Tied to Remuneration
CLCT integrates OHS KPIs with the remuneration of all CLCT employees, including its top management.
Robust OHS Management System
Going above and beyond minimum regulatory requirements, CLCT’s approach to health and safety is guided by CLI’s OHSMS, which is accredited to the international ISO 45001 Standards. As a CLI-listed REIT, CLCT adheres to CLI’s EHS Policy, which outlines its commitment to manage OHS issues. This policy is communicated regularly to employees through meetings or other communication channels.
Certified to International Standards
CLI’s OHS Management System has been externally audited to recognise international standards for OHS Management Systems since 2009 by third-party accredited certification bodies. CLI has obtained ISO 45001 OHSMS certification in 15 countries, including China, where CLCT operates. This encompasses all business functions including property management and operations, project development and corporate office management.
Internal and External ISO Audits
CLCT leverages CLI’s internal audit system to assure EHS conformance and effective implementation that is aligned to the ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 standards. Internal audits are scheduled at least once a year in China for selected CLI sites. Additionally, external audits are scheduled annually with an accredited third-party certification body. These audits offer assurance to stakeholders regarding the EHS legal compliance and commitment to best practices.
Legal requirements are reviewed on a quarterly basis, and adherence to these requirements are evaluated annually.
Risk Management of OHS Hazards
Key components in CLI’s OHSMS include identifying OHS hazards and assessing their risks. Through the implementation of Hazards Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA), CLCT strives to provide a systematic approach for employees to:
- identify hazards;
- evaluate the risks;
- determine the level of risks; and
- prepare action plan to eliminate, contain or control the risks.
The results from the risk assessment performed shall form the basis of the control measures that include house rules, guidelines, or OHS programmes.
A cross-functional team comprising members from various work areas is formed to conduct Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA). Hazard Identification entails recognising the hazards connected to each job activity and determining the potential accidents or incidents that could occur. The primary objective during this phase is to identify hazards and engage in brainstorming to consider all possible types of accidents or health issues that may arise.
Any work-related injuries or illnesses experienced by an employee while on the premises that lead to death, lost workdays, medical treatment, or first-aid treatment, along with all near-miss incidents, must be promptly reported and investigated. Employees can do so by alerting the casualty’s immediate supervisor within 24 hours.
Upon receiving a report, the Supervisor will commence investigation of the root cause, conduct a risk assessment for corrective actions before performing the necessary corrective action. The risk assessment evaluates risks based on the potential severity and likelihood, while control measures implemented should consider any applicable legal requirements and codes of practice.
The process to determine corrective actions to eliminate, contain or control the risks is based on the risk control hierarchy. In prioritised order, they are Elimination, Substitution, Engineering controls, Administrative practice and Personal Protective Equipment.

Once the corrective actions have been carried out and completed, the Supervisor is required to submit an Incident Investigation Report to the respective Strategic Business Unit (SBU) Human Resource and SBU EHS Management Representative (EHSMR) within 7 calendar days of the incident. The EHSMRs will track and document the corrective actions implemented and any observed trends in incident occurrence within the HIRA register accordingly. The HIRA is reviewed annually, or following an incident, or a significant change in processes.
Since October 2020, the EHSIA was made mandatory when evaluating new investments. The results of the EHSIA enable businesses investment teams to consider OHS risks and opportunities upfront and to identify early mitigating measures.

To enhance our OHS performance, we will continue to review and improve the suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness of the OHSMS.
Training and Awareness - OHSMS
To facilitate the effective implementation of CLI’s OHSMS, training and awareness programmes are organised as part of the integrated training for employees. The OHS of employees were improved through the study of various safety and health courses.
Training sessions are also conducted for CLCT’s contractors and suppliers, as part of our efforts to foster a more environmentally conscious and safe culture for our stakeholders. In 2023, 100% contractors and suppliers attended in-house safety training, covering EHS-related topics.
In addition, operational management processes that are currently in place enforces contractors to comply with strict safety regulations. A safety briefing is conducted before any work begins, and all relevant personnel must be equipped with appropriate personal protective equipment, including safety boots, helmets, and gloves. CLCT strictly enforces these regulations through regular inspections to ensure the health and safety of stakeholders.